
PHOTOS : Lindsay Lohan With Her White Dress

Lindsay Lohan�s white dress is getting a ton of attention, and not because she looked hot. Rather that she wore such an outfit to court, when facing felony theft charges. Check out pictures here and see what you think!

Personally, I do not think it is a big deal. She was dressed nicely, pulled together, and seemed mature. Sure, maybe she could have dressed more conservatively, like she did here for her previous hearings, but it is not like she dressed to go clubbing.
Lindsay says that the white dress stands for purity and was a statement to prove her innocence.

The dress, seen in the photos below, was a Kimberly Ovitz creation. It fell mid thigh, had a full neck line, and was long sleeved. Very modest, except for the length.

While I was watching her court appearance yesterday on TMZ, Harvey Levin said he didn�t think Lindsay realized the trouble she was in, and she proved that by wearing that outfit.

I don�t agree. I think she was dressed nicely, and looked pulled together. She looked great, healthy, and it is kind of sad people are going to such lengths to find something wrong.
I feel bad for her, she is clearly trying to get her life together. I hope she can. The media is a circus around her. I don�t think many people can handle that kind of fame, and definitely not from such a young age.

Judge Schwartz set her bail at $20,000 � but warned, �If you violate the law, I will remand you and there will be NO BAIL.�?The judge also revoked Lindsay�s probation set bail at $20,000 for a grand total of $40,000. She posted and flew outta the courthouse.

So check out the pictures below. What do you think of Lindsay�s white dress for court? Tell me in the comment section!!!